The showModalBottomSheet() function can be used to display a modal bottom sheet. Persistent - remains visible when the user clicks on the outside content.Modal - disappears when the user clicks on the outside content.return BlocBuilder(ĭuration(milliseconds: 10), () => _loadItems(state.A bottom sheet is a surface that appears at the bottom of the screen.
Scaffold key flutter code#
My entire widget code just in case it can help you guys. I introduce a small delay of 10ms layed(ĭuration(milliseconds: 10), () => _loadItems(als)) 1- Scaffold Lp Scaffold là mt widget có kh nng m rng lp y không gian sn có hoc lp y màn hình, nó cung cp API hin th các widget chính ca ng dng nh Drawer, SnackBar, Bottom-Sheet, FloatingActionButton, AppBar, BottomNavigationBar. Now the second time I got the currentState being null I already had the data but the widget wasn't visible. Therefore, run the application with a MaterialApp. This was because before the data came I was drawing an empty list and this action initialized the GlobalKey. Many Material Design widgets need to be inside of a MaterialApp to display properly, in order to inherit theme data. Had an issue very similar, I was using a SliverAnimatedList with a GlobalKey the first time that I hit the entire widget tree the widget draw flawless. DTOs provide an efficient way to separate domain objects from the presentation layer. However, on the first run of the app, if I press Next without filing the form, the validator works and it shows me the errors for filling the inputs. However, when moving the same wrapper class to an external file and renaming the class to a more appropriate name, the GlobalKeys states are now null.ĮDIT: One extra awkward behavior I noticed, is that when I fill the form (FirstForm) and press Next for the first time when I run the app, I get the null error. The way I approached their creation works when I have the wrapper widget in the default MyHomePage class in main.dart. The keys are used to validate the forms in another widget, which wraps these forms. TL DR: I have 3 forms with their respective GlobalKeys. The question is why? And how can I solve this. It provides an API to display the main widgets of the application such. I want to show Snackbar using the floating action button but I am not able to pass the context of scaffold as parameter to call the local function in onPressed argument. So after a few hours, I figured out that it's actually the GlobalKey of my forms that returns a null state. Scaffold class is an expandable widget that fills the available space or the screen. When clicking on Next in the Forms screen, I get the error: Adding a key to a widget that holds a reference to the state allows Flutter to make an additional comparison beyond the type of the widget. This is the drawer item code: ListTile(īuilder: (context) => Forms(title: "Forms")

So the code is still the same, the only thing I removed is the runApp() and MyApp class which are in a different file now. An item of the drawer is called Forms, which takes me to the "MyHomePage" that I renamed to Forms now. However, when I tried to fit my work into an existing app. I instantiate each form in the MyHomePage class and I use to retrieve the form key to use it for validation.

So each form has a formkey that I pass to the Form(key. Return DateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy").format(d) Padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 36.0), _values = _formatDate(DateTime.now().toString()) void main() => runApp(MyApp()) Ĭlass MyApp extends StatelessWidget build(BuildContext context) ") For example, here is my main.dart content. So I have 3 forms, when I press next, I save the first form and pass to the other, what I did so far works when I put my class in main.dart. What I'm basically trying to do (And I did, details up ahead) is create a screen with several forms the content of which is changed using a button (NEXT).