Here, Eddie manages to be a positive influence on Venom.
While Eddie in the comics does share his movie counterpart's desire to protect innocent people, he indulged in a few unethical practices, was by his own admission not a particularly nice person, and - Depending on the Writer - Venom's villainy was all Eddie's fault as his rage corrupted the symbiote. After obtaining the symbiote, he explicitly forbids it from hurting innocents. Adaptational Heroism: Prior to obtaining the symbiote, Eddie lightly chides his girlfriend for working for an evil person, and tries to bring up the allegations about Carlton Drake performing life-threatening experiments on vulnerable people during an interview.Also, while in the comic books he is mad at Spider-Man for exposing his mistake here he loses his job while really finding out his girlfriend's boss does illegal things and for that the Jerkass Has a Point this time despite costing said girlfriend her job. Adaptational Nice Guy: He's less egocentric than his comic book counterpart.In the comics, Eddie is very buff and has a broad build (where Venom was originally depicted getting his large, monstrous appearance from), but here Eddie has a more average build (if on the large side of average). He does seem to be a more competent and famous reporter though, even having his own primetime show. While Eddie seems to be a fit, exercising man who can hold his own in a physical fight, he does not seem to be the herculean Badass Normal he was in the comics, where he was canonically almost as strong as Captain America and actually a little stronger than guys like Wilson Fisk/The Kingpin. It should also be noted that Venom (Donny Cates) retconned that Eddie didn't have cancer at first, and when he did get cancer, it was due to the symbiote screwing with his body chemistry.

Adaptational Angst Downgrade: Eddie isn't shown to have cancer, and he takes his firing with sad humor instead of suicidal despair and rage.Abusive Parents: Like in the comics, Eddie’s father was a firm believer in Maternal Death? Blame the Child!.

Abled in the Adaptation: He does not have cancer like his comic book counterpart, though he wonders if the symbiote is a brain tumor-induced hallucination, though it should be noted to be "at the time" as Venom (Donny Cates) later retconned that Eddie never had cancer when he first bonded to the Symbiote and, in fact, the cancer he did get was the symbiote screwing with his body chemistry, and his belief that he did have it at first was the symbiote gaslighting Eddie into staying with it.